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Replace your filter, save money

When was the last time you had your HVAC filter replaced?? Replacing dusty filters with fresh filters is simple and cost effective preventative maintenance to keep the air quality and temperature in your home just right.

Efficiency Tips

-Set your thermostat at as high a temperature as comfortably possible in the summer, and ensure humidity control if needed. The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall cooling bill will be.
-Avoid setting your thermostat at a colder setting than normal when you turn on your air conditioner. It will not cool your home any faster and could result in excessive cooling and, therefore, unnecessary expense.
Consider using an interior fan along with your window air conditioner to spread the cooled air through your home without greatly increasing your power use.
-Avoid placing appliances that give off heat such as lamps or TVs near a thermostat.

-If your air conditioner is old, consider buying an energy-efficient model. Look for the ENERGY STAR® and EnergyGuide labels — qualified room air conditioners are 10% more efficient, and qualified central units are about 15% more efficient than standard models.
-Consider installing a whole-house fan or evaporative cooler if appropriate for your climate.

**Summer Tip**

Time to keep cool and save energy. Cover your windows to keep the sun out. Purchase draperies or shades for your windows and keep them closed during the day to block the sun’s heat and help keep your
home cool.


A few maintenance tips you may want to perform on your HVAC system include:

-Replacing your filter. Changing the removable filter in each of your HVAC units every season helps to prevent pollen and other particles that can agitate allergies from getting into your home. You may also want to consider an air cleaner to further reduce seasonal allergies and particles in your home.
-Testing and cleaning your cooling systems. Having a maintenance check and HVAC cleaning can help to increase the efficiency of how your system runs. You can also identify and fix small issues with your HVAC system before they become expensive repairs.
-Clearing your outdoor condenser. Making sure the outdoor air conditioning condenser is free of any weeds or vegetation, and that air can move freely around the unit.


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